Diabetes makes your body incapable of using blood sugar for energy. The main types of diabetes include type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes. Type 1 is usually diagnosed in children and is also known as juvenile diabetes. In type 1, the body is completely incapable of producing insulin. Only 5-10% of diabetics suffer from this type of the disease. In type 2, the body either does not produce enough insulin or the cells can not absorb and utilize insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert food into energy.

How To Treat Diabetes

* Eat the right protein - Proteins are essential for the renewal of body tissue and the normal development of children bodies - but you do not need to consume too much protein, and probably need less than you think. Make sure to take 12% -15% of your total calories in the form of protein. These may come either from grain or from animal sources (meat, fish, eggs and dairy products). Protein tends to be relatively rich in fat and calories and contains no carbohydrates, so this should be calculated when planning your diet.
* Avoid salt - Excess salt will not do you any good and can lead to hypertension. Try using a small amount in cooking and avoid having salt on the table while eating. Instead, use herbs, spices and pepper to give more flavor to your food.
* Vitamins and nutrients - If you follow a well balanced diet, you don't have to take supplements. Certain experts have argued that deficiencies in nutrients such as chromium and selenium can help prevent the complications of diabetes. However, there is no way to measure if you are in need of these nutrients. It is best to eat a variety of foods, to make sure that you consume adequate quantities of these nutrients.
* Alcohol - The fact that you suffer from diabetes does not mean that you should abstain completely from alcohol, but you should obey some rules dictated by common sense, especially if you are treated with insulin injections. Keep in mind that alcohol can cause hypoglycaemia. Try to restrict your alcohol consumption to three or fewer units per day. One unit of alcohol corresponds to a measure of spirits, a glass of regular beer or a small glass of wine. Also be sure to never drink alcohol on an empty stomach.

Careful control of blood pressure and cholesterol levels may play an important role in the prevention of complications. Continuous monitoring and examination of your eyes, your urine, blood pressure, your legs and control of cholesterol can also prevent complications.

If you really want to Stop Diabetes Naturally, you can just Click Here to find out how!

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